Micro and small enterprises generate a lion’s share of new jobs in Europe. Businesses owned and run by refugees and migrants make up a growing portion of new enterprises. However, newcomers often are disadvantaged, lacking e.g. networks, advanced language skills and access to finance. Refugees may struggle with additional challenges, such as trauma and lost proof of their skills and qualifications. Incubators, accelerators and other support organizations can play a key role in connecting newcomer entrepreneurs with vital resources, to help them get started, grow and sustain their businesses.
To help unleash the untapped potential for growth and social inclusion that lies in migrant and refugee entrepreneurship, the NES initiative accompanies incubators, accelerators and other support organizations in the development of new or adapted services to newcomers. The project aims at change in the project cities, by providing for the identification of support needs, transnational know-how exchange, new learning tools as well as the piloting of improved services.